My favorite dental products

As a dentist, I have the opportunity to try out many different dental products on the market. These two have always been my absolute FAVORITE!

When my kids were little (too young for fluoride), I used the MI paste to keep their teeth healthy. This paste contains Recaldent (a milk protein) — calcium and phosphate ions that actually penetrate the enamel and strengthen teeth from the inside out. It does not contain fluoride, therefore, it’s safe to swallow (safe for your little ones who don’t know how to spit yet). Warning!—“MI paste” is not to be confused with “MI paste Plus,” which does contain fluoride, therefore, NOT safe to swallow.

MI paste is great for adults as well, especially those who suffer from generalized tooth sensitivity, dry mouth, acid reflux, acid erosion, and “white spot” lesions.

My second favorite product is Clinpro 5000. This is a prescription-strength toothpaste with fluoride, calcium and phosphate. It is great for people who are at high risk of developing cavities, who suffer from dry mouth, or those who are exhibiting symptoms of “pre-cavities.” I love it because it’s like a “mini fluoride treatment” at home, it actually remineralizes tooth enamel for added protection against future cavities. Two thumbs up!

Xoxo, Ania

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